This morning we headed out to Old Mine Road near the Delaware Water Gap. Without a lot of pre-game planning we put our hopes in some recent sightings in the area and a site description from the NJAS. As newer birders there were a couple things we noticed. The 3 minute light is rough and a little scary and there is no visitor center in the area. Once we got going there were a lot of singers. Yellow Warblers, American Redstarts, and others (possibly Northern Parula or Black-throated Blue Warblers?) were all heard driving but the Yellows, Redstarts and 2 Worm-eating Warblers were the only seen Warblers. Great-crested Flycatcher and Acadian Flycatcher (Our first) were seen along with Eastern Kingbird. A singing Indigo Bunting and male Scarlet Tanager made up the most vivid spotting. We had hoped to see the elusive (from us anyways) Hooded Warbler without success. 🙁 Anyways, overall a nice day of birding for early June.
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