I had to get out for a reported Scissor-tailed Flycatcher in my local patch! Only the second I have seen in New Jersey in my brief birding career, this one was super active and provided great looks for all. The bird was also actively feeding and took time for preening in nearby trees. It was a beautiful day and many people were out and about, so there were lots of non-birders curious what all the commotion was. I imagine the many cars and birders lined up on the side of the road with scopes and bins pointed into an apparently empty field would be curious to passers by. One passing car just questioned…”UFOs?” and kept right on going. Nope. (Lucky for him as I am not sure what he planned to do if I had shouted back “Yes!”) Just a great bird to share with anyone who appreciates nature! A lot of smiling people. 🙂 Nice day for birding! Got a few hazy photos.
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