So with some luck last Fall Jeanette and I saw multiple Cave Swallows near Congress Hall in Cape May and loads of Tree, Cliff, Barn and N. Rough-winged at Bull’s Island (A great spot for Cliff Swallow). That left only one of New Jersey’s more common swallows to see for us, and that was the Bank Swallow. With some great information from fellow birder Tom O. (Thanks Tom! :)) we headed down to South Amboy to look for them flying in and out of their homes in the “Bank” of an eroding Sand Dune. They didn’t disappoint and we were surrounded by them as we walked towards the beach. Some work to apparently “improve” the dune has left less area for the swallows to live in which you can see at the bottom of the picture above. A life bird in South Amboy! Who knew? 🙂
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