Its that time again birders! The time when our feathered friends from the south are urged north to the fertile breeding grounds of the Boreal Forests of Canada and northern parts of the United States. The time to watch for Southern winds, to check in nightly with NEXRAD radar imagery, and the time to get excited about the countless visitors streaming over us at night that sometimes take a rest in our favorite migration stop over. The time is upon us to revisit old lists and time frames, to check in on nature’s punctuality and to reinforce our connection with the natural processes happening all around us. It is simply a fantastic time. Get out there and enjoy every minute you can! I know I will be.
I have had a decent Spring start at Garret Mountain with appearances of all the normal early Spring arrivals. From the Eastern Phoebe and American Woodcock to the Pine, Palm, and Yellow-rumped Warblers. From the Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned Kinglets to the Blue-gray Gnatcatchers and Brown Creepers. From the Winter Wren and Louisiana Waterthrush to the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Hermit Thrush and Rusty Blackbird. The Field Sparrows, the Brown Thrashers and the Eastern Towhees have all started to put in appearances. Spring is underway folks. And its glorious.